Changed tariff regulations of the industry associations as of 01.09.2023

With the update to AGIL Zeit version, we are providing you with the amended tariff regulations of the industry associations, which have been set by the IGZ and BZA tariff associations from 1st September 2023.
Tarifbestimmungen tariff regulations

These amended tariff regulations apply from 1st September 2023

As of 1st September 2023, the first supplementary payment level (BZ Level 1) is to be paid from the first day of deployment; this applies both to temporary agency workers who are deployed from the above-mentioned date in a client company within the scope of application of an industry association and to those whose deployment began earlier and whose deployment on 1st September 2023 has not yet lasted six complete weeks.
(= start of assignment after 21st July 2023).

For you, that means the following:

With the new version, all new orders that are created with use from
1st September 2023 will automatically be calculated correctly.

All existing orders that have a deployment date after 21st July 2023
must be adjusted by you due to the changed tariff regulations.

In the following Video you will learn how you can easily adjust your orders in AGIL Zeit in line with the tariff.

With version, the following changes were made to the industry surcharge collective agreements in AGIL Zeit:

Renaming of industry surcharge collective agreements

Old designation

New designation

IG Metall für die Metall- und Elektroindustrie (TV BZ ME)

Metall- und Elektroindustrie
(TV BZ ME) (IG Metall)

Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie

Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie
(TV BZ TB) (IG Metall)

Holz und Kunststoff verarbeitenden Industrie (TV BZ HK)

Holz und Kunststoff verarbeitende Industrie (TV BZ HK) (IG Metall)

IG Bergbau, Chemie, Energie
(TV BZ) – Chemie

Chemische Industrie (TV BZ Chemie)

Kunststoff verarbeitenden Industrie
(TV BZ Kunststoff)

Kunststoff verarbeitende Industrie
(TV BZ Kunststoff) (IG BCE)

(TV BZ Kautschuk)

(TV BZ Kautschuk) (IG BCE)

Kali- und Steinsalzbergbau
(über Tage)

Kali- und Steinsalzbergbau
(über Tage) (TV BZ KS) (IG BCE)

Kali- und Steinsalzbergbau
(unter Tage)

Kali- und Steinsalzbergbau
(unter Tage) (TV BZ KS) (IG BCE)

Papier erzeugende Industrie, gewerblich (TV BZ PE)

Papier erzeugende Industrie (TV BZ PE) (IG BCE)

Papier, Pappe und Kunststoffe verarbeitenden Industrie (TV BZ PPK)

Papier, Pappe, Kunststoffe verarbeitende Industrie (TV BZ PPK) (ver.di)

Papier, Pappe und Kunststoffe verarbeitenden Industrie (Tapete)

Papier, Pappe, Kunststoffe verarbeitende Industrie (Tapete) (TV BZ PPK) (ver.di)

(TV BZ Druck – gewerblich)

Druckindustrie für gewerbliche Arbeitnehmer (TV BZ Druck gewerblich) (ver.di)

(TV BZ Eisenbahn)

(TV BZ Eisenbahn) (EVG)

"Incorrect" industry surcharge collective agreements

Old designation

New designation

Please use in future

IG Bergbau, Chemie, Energie (IG BCE) – Kautschuk

zz IG Bergbau, Chemie, Energie (IG BCE) – Kautschuk

Kautschukindustrie (TV BZ Kautschuk) (IG BCE)

IG Bergbau, Chemie, Energie (IG BCE) – Kunststoff

zz IG Bergbau, Chemie, Energie (IG BCE) – Kunststoff

Kunststoff verarbeitende Industrie (TV BZ Kunststoff) (IG BCE)

Unchanged industry surcharge collective agreements

Gewerkschaft Nahrung – Genuss – Gaststätten (NGG)

Vereinte Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft e. V. (ver.di)

IG Bauen – Agrar – Umwelt (IG BAU)

Gewerkschaft der Polizei (GdP)

Eisenbahn- und Verkehrsgewerkschaft (EVG)

Sonstige, Handwerk (kein Branchenzuschlag verhandelt)

Further information on the changes and tariff regulations of the industry surcharge agreements can be found on the iGZ and BAP websites.

AGIL is who has AGIL.

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